Top Copywriter, Joint Venture Specialist and Business-Builder is fed up with people selling you the "Instant This and Push-Button That" products that don't teach you what you really need to know to succeed online...

-- Special Report --

"Finally, There's a Quick and Easy
Way To Learn How To Write Ads,
Sales Letters, and Website Copy
That Sell Like Crazy"

"Your ability to write persuasively is the most
important and most widely overlooked
marketing tool that you will ever acquire."

From: Andrew Davis

Dear Friend:

You've tried everything the 'gurus' said you needed to make money online... web design, buying and swapping ads, autoresponders, publishing an ezine, safe-lists, search engine optimization, credit card processing, the list goes on and on -- but it's still not working, is it?

The answer is really quite simple, but most people have missed out on this one all important secret element.

I've done something very special for you...
I'm going to tell you the secret.

I'm a business and marketing expert; a joint venture specialist; an author, speaker and consultant.

For the last 25 years, I've been using my seven proven marketing secrets in my own businesses to personally sell millions of dollars of products and services, as well as help other business owners get more predictable and profitable results in a wide variety of industries. I work and live with my wife and son on our horse farm, hidden away in the rolling hills of Trilby, Florida.

Using the internet since 1996, my advice, articles, and publications have helped thousands of people world-wide to finally start making money online.

I don't tell you this to brag, I only mention it because we're going to talk about something very important to you, and I want you to know what I tell you is true and credible.

I've designed a simple way for you to learn how to write compelling and order-producing sales letters by studying some of the most successful sales letters, from some of the best sales letter writers in the world, and in a wide variety of niche markets too.

I've even included my proprietary 17-Part Sales Letter
Generator software to make it easy to write
great sales letters everytime.

"This software just makes the process so quick and easy"...

I wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your 17-Part Sales Letter Generator software. I've been a journalist for many years and thought I was pretty good on the copywriting front, but this software just makes the process so quick and easy.

I love how it prompts me to think about product features and benefits as I'm writing a sales letter or an ad. I love how it reminds me of the best flow for persuading people to buy something/anything! And I love just how speedily it spits an 'almost-done' draft back at me. This is one VERY cool - and easy to use - program.

Thank you so much; you've saved me so much time, and probably a bit of hair as well. This application stops me pulling mine out! :-)

All the best,

Kathy Crockett

Disclosure: The people who provide testimonials for this website are not paid for their comments. These comments are from their personal experience and not to be taken as what you will experience. Only you will be responsible for your results. If these people promote the ISS program to others they are compensated with an affiliate commission if the people they refer to the site signup as a paying member.

Let me be brief and straight to the point...

"Your ability to write persuasively is
the most important and most widely
overlooked marketing tool that
you will ever acquire..."

You see no matter how you are trying to communicate your sales message to prospects and customers, you've got to speak directly to their most inner wants and desires to motivate them to take action.

It doesn't matter if the technology you use is the internet, email, websites, newsletters, TV, radio, letters, postcards, PR releases, telemarketing, faxes, whatever -- you got to craft your message so it hits the emotional hot buttons that are just waiting to be pushed in your prospects and customers, the hot buttons that drive them to action in doing more and more business with you...which is exactly what you want, isn't it?

I've looked at all the products offered that say they help you write sales letters, and quite frankly, I've been disappointed in most of them.

That's why I decided to put together this premium package of everything you need to know to really understand the nitty-gritty nuts and bolts, and the true inner workings of the "how, what, and why" to writing great ads, sales letters, and webcopy.

This is the fastest way I know to get you up to speed on the one thing that will put more money into your pocket faster than all the other marketing tools and software combined.

"You'd probably like to hear a few comments
I've received from people who already
have the package..."

"I learned more in that one hour about the structure of a good Net sales letter than I have from weeks of studying those self-professed masters of "killer" copywriting techniques"...


First, my apologies for the delay in getting back to you -- my day was booked solid. But I've still got my priorities straight. And you, Sir are numero uno!

Thank you so much for the invaluable sales letter seminar. Having a copywriting background made me wonder if I might be wasting my time, but -- boy oh boy -- did you prove me wrong! I learned more in that one hour about the structure of a a good Net sales letter than I have from weeks of studying those self-professed masters of "killer" copywriting techniques.

There's no question that good writing is vital to Internet success. It's an area that many people struggle with and now opportunity is rocking! :-) Your patience in answering questions added greatly to the experience. When the next class becomes available, I will be among the first on line. And you can bet I will be recommending your classes to as many people as I can reach. Note that I'm saying classes (plural) because I've got my fingers crossed! Again, thanks. I am already reworking a sales letter based upon what you taught last night.

Phyllis Schwartz

"This is a priceless service you offer!"...


Thank you so much for this call last night on the world's best selling internet sales letters. I gained a ton of knowledge on crafting an effective and powerful sales letter.

You offered excellent explanations, and left nothing unanswered. I like how you stopped every now and then for Q & A. There was so much information that I don't think I would have paid attention to even if I ever reviewed sales letters on my own!

Now I will be looking at sales letters different forever (which is dynamite!)

I had no idea how much went into putting a strong sales letter together (I knew it was a lot, but didn't realize 1/2 the reasons) - this was extraordinarily helpful.

This is a priceless service you offer! Not only for the teleconference call, but how you find the best sales letters for us (in any industry) for us to learn from, so we don't have to spend the time finding them ourselves. What a time saver! Overall rating: 9 1/2!!

Abbey Landis
Virginia Beach, VA

"I learned more in one hour than with all the e-books"...

Congratulations! I just got out from your 'World's Best-Selling Internet Sales Letters' teleclass. Surprisingly I learned more in one hour than with all the e-books about copywriting that I have been tediously reading in the last several months.

You have a very subtle and highly qualified way to analyze all the "hidden" techniques that the best gurus use to write their successful sales letters.

Thank you.

Sergio Tamburri

Here's everything I've included for you
in this special multi-media package:

"You'll discover for yourself how to write
profit-producing ads, sales letters,
and website copy..."

You'll be able to see exactly how to use:

  • pre-headlines - used to set up the main headline, a chance to "set the stage" for what's about to come
  • headlines - the most important part of your sales letter, always test one headline against another to see which pulls best
  • sub-heads - used to build on the benefits the reader receives, and can also quickly summarize the offer, also used throughout the sales letter to draw attention to main benefits, or to re-spark attention and curiosity
  • problem/solution - a sales technique of discussing the problem the prospect has, how painful it is, discuss possible solutions, and then reveal your solution and why it's the best choice
  • stories - people relate to stories and it helps you write in a way to appeal to the emotions of your reader
  • testimonials - provides proof that what you say is true, and that other people have bought and are happy, and you are liked and trusted
  • benefit bullets - short and snappy 'mini-headlines' used throughout your sales letter to build desire for the benefits your product/service provides the reader
  • transitions - used to get from one section to another, or from one thought to another to smooth out the flow
  • offers - here's where you state exactly what they get, how much it costs, and any other details of the transaction
  • bonuses - use bonuses to build extra value into your offer, the bonuses should be related to your main offer
  • guarantees - this provides comfort to your reader that you stand behind your product, and that you the seller are taking the risk, rather than the buyer, always use the longest guarantee possible
  • call to action - tell your reader exactly how to order now, tell them to pick up the phone, send in the fax, click this button, and to do it now
  • PS - next to the headline, this is the second most closely read part of your sales letter, it's your chance to state your main benefits, offer, and guarantee to your reader
  • and more - study each letter closely and see what other strategies you can find

"And I've organized all of this into these
Six Sections of the package..."

Section One

The complete recordings of my Private Teleseminar
that I held for my Internet Success System
apprentices on "How To Write Ads, Sales Letters,
and Website Copy That Sell Like Crazy"...
includes the handouts too (a terrific seminar)

"Plus, written analyses and 3 hours of recorded
seminars to learn the fine points so you can finally
understand the psychology of great sales letters..."

And I've also included detailed analyses of a variety of sales letters, breaking them down into each piece, dissecting them so you can look at all the moving parts and learn exactly the psychologically triggers that are happening right before your eyes.

Section Two

"Best-Selling Internet Sales Letters Search Engine..."

Plus, you get my very special "Best-Selling Internet Sales Letters Search Engine" that finds you the top-selling sales letters in a wide variety of market niches. You can find who your top competitors are, learn from other market niches and transfer their successful style to your niche, find top-selling products and services to sell as a back-end offer to your customers, and find joint venture partners who will introduce your products to their customers... there are literally thousands of sales letters available to quickly search and choose from.

Section Three

"Don't Write A Word Of Sales Copy Until You Come Up
With Answers To These 25 Questions" Questionnaire

And, you get my "Don't Write A Word Of Sales Copy Until To Come Up With Answers To These 25 Questions" Questionnaire... it makes your pre-writing market research easy and your letters will flow out of your fingers tips like a pro.

(This section three could be worth tens of thousands to you)

Section Four

"17-Part Sales Letter Generator Software..."

Plus, you get my proprietary 17-Part Sales Letter Generator Software that makes sure you are covering all the bases, and using all the psychological sales triggers at the right time in the sales process. It's like me standing over your shoulder while your write your letters, making sure you include everything and telling you each thing to write next. Then simply press a button, and Presto-Chango... your letter is ready to go.

And I'm also including these two very handy
marketing tools as a special free bonus:

Section Five

The World's 100 Greatest Headlines
(value $47)

"Now you can write profit-pulling headlines that grab
attention in just minutes using 100 of the world's
greatest headlines as your guide!..."

It's true - think about it.

"...75% of the buying decisions are made at the headline alone."

John Caples, quote from his book Tested Advertising Methods 

"On the average, 5 times as many people read the headlines as read the body copy.  It follows that, unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90% of your money."

David Ogilvy, world famous advertising executive, author
of the most influential books on advertising Confessions
of an Advertising Man, and Ogilvy on Advertising

Headlines give you the most leverage in creating ads, sales letters, and website copy to maximize your results.

Think of it this way...

"Your Headline Is An Ad For Your Ad"

I'm making available for the first time, my personal software tool for creating your own winning headlines.

By using this simple tool, you'll learn how to write compelling and order-producing headlines by using some of the best-selling headlines of all time as your guide to writing great headlines of your own.

And you also get in...

Section Six

The Ultimate Copywriter's Resource page (value: Priceless)

This is where I continually add extra surprise bonuses for you, like:

  • A whole collection of world-class ads and sales letters written by some of the top direct marketers of the last 100 years. People like Claude Hopkins, Max Sackheim, and other masters of copywriting from the 10s, 20s, 30s,...and on! This is a priceless collection of copywriting education and inspiration, get it while it's still free.

  • A classic book that could change the way you look at marketing, advertising, and business forever. You'll be among the marketing elite who credit this book as the turning point in your business career.

  • A special collection of Million Dollar Sales Letters written by one of the Grand Masters of direct marketing of the early 1900s... Excellent letters to model!

Just a few more comments from people...

"I sure feel like I hit the jack-pot tonight!"...

Wow! I've gotta say it - you really nailed down the structure on how to create winning sales letters!

You helped me create a clear and concise picture of copy writing as a skill... with identifiable techniques that with some diligence and maybe a helpful mentor, can be learned by anyone! Even Me!

Your call tonight demonstrating the procedure for carefully dissecting the structure of a newsletter... was so fantastic, it's still blowing me away! The step by step process you laid out of outlining each section in the letter - then pointing out the compelling reasons why I should emulate this brilliant strategy -- You beautifully created a kind of blueprinting system I would use for each sales letter I write... I must confess...It was over the top! Excellent!

Thanks... I sure feel like I hit the jack-pot tonight!

Timothy Rea
Boulder, CO

"Focus on the "right buttons" to make a sale"...


A great job on dissecting the "pieces" that make up an outstanding sales letter. Very interesting how all the emotions are touched and then logic causes action through the persuasive use and power of words.

I felt really in tune with your explanations of each section and understand better, at least now, how to focus on the "right buttons" to make a sale.

Again, great job. Thanks!

Don R. Monteith
Charlotte, NC

"That was nothing short of FANTASTIC!"...


That was nothing short of FANTASTIC!

The way you took the sales letter apart and put it into sections made it really easy to understand. Your explanation of each section gave the just the right amount of detail.

This series on "The World's Best-Selling Sales Letters" is going to be something people will depend on, and talk about for some time to come.

Wishing You Great Success,

Steve Pennington
Maryville, TN

"Selling dollars for dimes"...

You made breaking down a winning sales letter very understandable.

It was wonderful how you explained the implications of certain phrases and how important it is to sell to the benefits, not the features.

You have a wonderful and friendly personality and are an awesome teacher.

I loved some of your phrases, "wealth while loafing" and "selling dollars for dimes". I hadn't heard that before.

I wondered, "What was in this for you?" Why are you so nice? Never mind. I don't care. I think you are a hidden diamond. I don't know how I found you in the first place, but I'm sure glad I did.

Shelley DeWayne
Indianapolis, IN

Okay, let's summarize what you get in the
"How To Write Ads, Sale Letters, and Website
Copy That Sell Like Crazy" program:

  • The Complete Recordings of the "How To Write Ads, Sales Letters, and Website Copy That Sells Like Crazy" teleseminar I held for my Internet Success System apprentices

  • World's Best-Selling Internet Sales Letters Analyses and Recorded Seminars

  • The World's Best-Selling Sales Letters Search Engine

  • My "Don't Write A Word Of Sales Copy Until You Come Up With Answers To These 25 Questions" Questionnaire

  • My proprietary 17-Part Sales Letter Generator Software

  • The World's 100 Greatest Headlines Toolkit

  • The Overture Keyword Search Toolkit

  • Plus "Section Seven" Extra Bonuses With A Total Value Of... Priceless!

"Okay, okay...I want it!
So How Much Is It?"

How could I possibly price this package at what it's really worth to you in potential income?

The strategies and techniques revealed to you can be literally worth thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and millions of dollars to someone who grabs the true value, and implements and internalizes the knowledge base that you are provided.

For you to come to my Copywriting Bootcamp and learn these secrets you'd pay $1,497.00, and have travel and hotel costs on top of that.

But I wanted to make this affordable for everyone by using the technology of the internet. So you can literally sit at your computer and get all the training, all the coaching, all the repetition you need for it all to sink in your brain, so you can write great ads, sales letters, and webcopy at a moment's notice.

I know what you're thinking, at $497 this would be bargain, and at $297 it would be a steal. But I'm not going to ask you to part with that much, not nearly.

For a limited time, you can try out this complete package for only $97.

Why so low, you ask?

Here's why...

These strategies have served me well over the years, and I want you to be successful too (I really like being helpful to people).

And all the materials... the audio, the printed material, all the toolkits, everything is accessed by way of the internet. One downloaded file gets you everything that's included, it's all packed in there for you. And when I update things, it's as simple as me sending you an email to tell you there's something new in section so and so, or simply let you know to download the latest version from my web server.

You see, I have no printing, manufacturing, or delivery costs -- just my website server that costs me the same, no matter what. This internet technology saves a huge amount of overhead expenses for me, and lowers the cost for you.

To get your copy of this complete package today for
only $97, simply click on the order link below

We Have So Much Confidence... "We'll Give You a FULL 60 Day Money Back Guarantee"
Ok, here's the deal - we have nothing to hide - we KNOW our stuff WORKS - heck, we've been using it for years..

Full 60 Day (For Any Reason) Money-Back Guarantee

You'll never even have to give us a REASON - just ask for a refund and it's done.

So you have TWO lines of defenses (in case you feel uncomfortable asking US for a refund - just ask your payment company directly!)

Now this is COMPLETELY RISK-FREE for you.

Why are we doing this? Because we're 100% CONFIDENT that this system will work wonders for you - if we don't deserve your money!

Best to you--
Andrew Davis

P.S. - there is no hard sell PS here, these tools have helped thousands of people just like you improve their response to their ads, sales letters, and websites -- you can too.

P.P.S. - if you're ready to really learn how to write copy that gets people to take out their credit card and order now, please don't delay. My inner circle of Joint Venture buddies think I'm nuts to offer it at only $97 with everything I've included, they want to sell it at $497 to their lists. So if you come back later and see a higher price, you'll know why. Go ahead and buy now, you've got 90 days to judge for yourself the value of this package to you.

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