ATTENTION: Online business owners in search of more sales...
"Discover The Proven Techniques That Can Turn Your 'Just Average' Conversions Into Absolutely Amazing Double Digits!"
Think 2% is all that's expected - or possible? Think again...
From: Matt Derrick
RE: More Sales, Higher Profits
Dear Fellow Marketer,
The page is beautiful.
You added a professionally produced video, eye-catching graphics, and even a few well-written testimonials. The product is solid and well received, and you do a great job of driving traffic.
So why are you stuck with a 2% conversion rate?
Now common wisdom among online marketers would suggest that 2% is good - even better than average. But here's the thing: higher numbers are possible. Other marketers achieve them, and regularly, so why aren't you?
It's not you, actually, it's your sales page. It's simply lacking...
That Magical Combination Of Factors
You've undoubtedly seen the pages where everything just comes together. The headline draws you in, the story moves you along, the call to action is so compelling that you find yourself clicking the buy button even if you had no intention of making a purchase!
Now you might think all you need to do is copy that killer format to get great results. And that's just what a lot of courses will tell you. Simply add a...
- Compelling headline to get readers to stay on the page
- Emotionally charged story your reader can see herself in
- Strong call to action
- and a snazzy header graphic
But you've done all that - and it's still not working. Clearly, something is missing.
The truth is, a highly converting sales page is more than just the sum of its parts. It's a well-thought-out, cohesive, comprehensive message that your reader cannot ignore. Sure, it needs all those elements above (and a few more, as I'll show you), but no matter how beautiful your header graphic is, unless you can truly touch your reader, she's not likely to buy.
That's where the magic comes in.
If all that sounds complicated and maybe just a little airy-fairy for you, I've got good news...
You Don't Have to Be a Master Copywriter to
Craft an Amazing Sales Page
In fact, if you're like a lot of online business owners, you'd be doing your market a huge disservice by hiring someone else to write your sales page. Here's why: You are your product.
Your customers know you. They like you. They trust you.
And they'll know if your heart isn't in the page. If your sales letter is just a pitch with no personality behind it, they'll instantly be turned off.
Does that leave you feeling just a little bit overwhelmed? Don't be. Creating a great sales page is really pretty simple, with just a little help.
I've put together a system designed to show you exactly how to turn your sales pages into profit pulling masterpieces, even if you've never studied copywriting, and even if you think your market just won't buy. It's a quick read full of valuable tips and techniques I've learned over the years, and I know it's going to help you make your sales pages better than you ever thought they could be. Inside, you'll find incredible insight to help you get started, including...
- The number one thing you must know before writing your sales page - ignore this, and your page simply will not convert!
- 5 points to watch for as you craft your message - regardless of your format.
- Why there is no "one size fits all" solution to sales pages - and how to know which methods will work for your audience.
- What conversion really is - and why that number alone means almost nothing. Plus, the real metrics you should be looking at.
- The 3 attributes your visitor must have if you expect her to buy - and how to increase the number of readers who match that ideal.
- 3 "new" sales page formats for you to try - these shorter, snappier, and more interactive pages provide all kinds of opportunities for online marketers. Are you using them yet?
- 3 things to remember when you price your product - and how even that will effect your conversion rates.
But that's just the beginning. That's your big picture, and it's important in the beginning stages. But what about once your page is nearly complete? No time to stop now, because that's where the real magic happens if you know...
- The 7 common sales page elements - and why each one is absolutely critical (you might just be surprised at what's NOT on this list!)
- 5 points your sales page content must address - miss just one, and your reader will not be convinced, and likely will not buy.
- One great trick for setting the emotional mood of a page - this gives your reader an instant connection with your product.
- The secret to believable testimonials - because readers want to see that "social proof"
- The one thing that can mean the difference between low and high conversions - if you can get it right!
Of course, that's not all there is to it. You probably won't be surprised to learn that no sales page is ever complete. Yes, you read that right. Even the biggest names in copywriting are continually testing and tweaking their pages to improve conversions. That's why I've included...
- How to dig into those stats to see who's really buying - this might just shock you!
- The secret tip that will make your testing and tracking more powerful - do this one thing and conversions will increase faster than ever before.
- An informative case study - this might just get you to change how you write sales pages.
- Why "opting in" on a sales page works for one famous marketer - and how you can implement the same technique.
- How you can turn a "webinar" into an interactive sales page in just four steps
- How to track ad network conversions easily - hint: all the major networks give you the tools for free!
Stop Struggling With Sales Page Copy
And Start Enjoying The Benefits Of
A Highly Converting,
Masterfully Written Sales Letter
While all of this might feel a bit overwhelming, I assure you, I've laid out the exact plan you need to follow to turn your sales pages from blah to beautiful. By the time you've worked through this guide, you'll be able to say with confidence that...
- You fully understand your market and what compells them to buy
- You've connected with your reader on an emotional level
- Your sales page is the absolute best it can be
Not only that, but you'll be fully equipped to continuously improve your techniques, with...
- Up-to-date sales page formats (including one I'll bet you've never thought of
- Better converting email copy - because that's a sales page, too!
- The added confidence that comes from trusting your instinct - yes, that's important too!
Whether you've been writing copy for years (and seeing some pretty good results) or are just getting started with your own products and sales pages, you'll learn something from this comprehensive guide. I can't guarantee you'll see that fantastic double-digit conversion rate, but I can promise you this: If you follow the advice as I've laid it out here, you will improve your conversion rates.
We Have So Much Confidence... "We'll Give You a FULL 60 Day Money Back Guarantee"
Ok, here's the deal - we have nothing to hide - we KNOW our stuff WORKS - heck, we've been using it for years..
Full 60 Day (For Any Reason) Money-Back Guarantee You'll never even have to give us a REASON - just ask for a refund and it's done. So you have TWO lines of defenses (in case you feel uncomfortable asking US for a refund - just ask your payment company directly!) Now this is COMPLETELY RISK-FREE for you. Why are we doing this? Because we're 100% CONFIDENT that this system will work wonders for you - if we don't deserve your money! |
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There's no risk to you, so download your copy of "The Copywriter Club Ultimate Sales Page Collection" today, and start watching those conversion rates climb!
Writing a great sales page that converts well is an art - but the good news is, you CAN learn the techniques great copywriters use to increase conversions from a paltry one or two percent to 8% or even higher. You just have to know who to ask.
My "The Copywriter Club Ultimate Sales Page Collection" is the answer. Download your copy today.
Matt Derrick