"REAL" tried, true, and tested blueprint...

"Reach The Heights Of Extreme Profitability By Following  A
rock-solid, well-planned and systematic approach to
building your online business from the ground up!"


Simple Step-By-Step Blueprint Explained To You In Simple Understandable Vocabulary, Showing You Exactly What You Need
 To Finally Become Successful With Making Money Online!


Dear Frustrated Entrepreneur,

Has anyone ever really taken the time, to really lay out to you in a Simple Step-By-Step Blueprint, and explain to you in Simple Understandable Vocabulary, exactly what it is going to take for you to finally become successful with making money online?

Obviously You Need To Stop Wasting Time Trying To "Figure Out" Things On Your Own Because, I already know that from experience, it's impossible to just "figure out"...

What you really need to do to make money is just stick to the system that works and follow the lead of the guys who have already done what your trying to do.

I've got a few questions for you, that if you answer yes too, then you could be thankful for the rest of your life that you found this page! Here they are...


1. How would you like to be able to make a few thousand or even several thousand dollars each month?

2. Would you like to replace your income that you have from your current income or just have an extra income?

3. Would you like to finally find the complete blueprint that will show you step-by-step how you can finally make money each and every month and reach the destination of financial freedom?

I want you to know that no matter what your current job situation or how your finances are looking right now that there is something bigger just waiting for you…and I expect that you know that don’t you?

Maybe your here looking for a way to just make some extra cash to provide for your daily needs.

Or possibly it is to make enough  money to replace your lost income.

Or my personal favorite, your here to learn how to make more money than you know what to do with.

Maybe that 3rd example has not even crossed your mind yet.  But if not, why not?  Go ahead and just do yourself a big favor right now and allow yourself to imagine waking up tomorrow, not to the sound of that annoying alarm clock, but when you are rested and ready to take on the day.

Now imagine, strolling 30 feet to your home office, firing up your computer and opening your emails to discover you've made $1000's automatically -- and all while you were asleep!

That picture looks pretty sweet doesn't it?

Well no matter what you are searching for financially… I am here to help You!

So Why Am I doing This, & Why Do I feel
That I Am  THE Go-To Person...

Each month I receive hundreds of emails from people just like you who are not making any money online at all. People who have spent hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of dollars and have not had any results at all from their efforts.

People who have spent months and years just trying to make a few extra thousand dollars a month, and have failed miserably.

I am here to help the beginner Marketer Reach The Heights Of Extreme Profitability by helping You Get Serious... Get Busy... And Get A Real Success Plan in place. I offer you a rock-solid, well-planned and systematic approach to building your online business from the ground up.

The completely understand that the hardest money online is the first $100- $1,000. Beginners will buy the courses and read advisories, vaguely understand it needs visitors and a sales page etc.

But nothing ever seems to come together. Not enough visitors, so it’s hard to tell if the sales page works. No sales…

Maybe the sales copy isn’t good enough? Or the product isn’t right? Or maybe it just needs more visitors.

The problem is, when you lack experience, you can’t tell where it’s going wrong. It becomes very confusing.

I Started Out Clueless And Frustrated—but now here I am today ready to help you!

There is only one certain way round this and
that is to have the complete proven system
spelled out right in front of you.

Most tell you that you need to create a product but they fail to tell you that the product you create has to be positioned correctly in the mind of the visitor before they will buy.  They also forget the part about teaching you how to come up with your differentiation strategy that helps your target audience know your the go to person that can help them above all the rest of the competition out there for them to turn to.

Simply put, I'm revealing this information because I truly care, and I don't want to see you struggle any longer. I just want to teach you these tried and true methods that will allow you to either replace your existing income, or totally create a new one.

Whatever the case may be for you, and whatever experience level you're at, I want to be the person that holds nothing back, only gives you the real truth, and most importantly takes you all the way to success!

Sound fair enough?

Introducing: The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Complete With Homework Assignments For The First 30 To Act...

12 Module Intensive Home Study Course

(This Picture Is A Representation Of A Digital Download Package You'll Be Getting Everything You See Listed Above & More!)


Here's Just A Hint Of What You'll Uncover:

Module 1 Part 1-“Getting Started Online” What’s First -   Everyone needs to start somewhere and the last thing we want is confusion! Learn how to conquer making money online once and for all! Know what questions to ask yourself before you start up an online business and discover your answers. Learn and understand that the process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go with your business. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts.


Module 2

 "Part 2-“A Winning Mindset” Your Mind... Your Strongest Weapon! - You may think you have this one under control. Let me show you how this is the single biggest problem that keep so many people from ever getting the results they are really capable of getting, and how you can live in your greatness! You are about to discover a brand new way of thinking as you turn those “I Cant’s” into “I Can’s” Find out how to get in the right mindset and exercise it regularly

* Questions to ask before getting started
* Setting goals that will get results
* Overcoming your mind traffic


Module 3

Passion to Profits “Niche Discovery” - Finding a niche seems easy right? So many struggle with this simple step and in this module you'll learn how to find Niche Markets and know that your targeted market will be eager to buy your Niche targeted products that ensure you reaping the benefits. Learn how specializing your marketing efforts will actually bring you more business and higher conversions. Understand the market's "hot buttons" and be prepared to communicate with the target market as an understanding member--not as an outsider. 


Module 4 Your Backend Products to Create Lifetime Customers -Understand what your One Time Offer will be, learn how to create a down sell or up sell. Coming up with new products and services is a lot of work but it provides you with a great return on your investment; besides, if you don't create new products and services for your customers, your competition will. You do not want to just think "let's make a sale…You have to see the sale as the start of a relationship. You need to plan ahead and ask "What's next?" "Where do I go from here?" We will get you thinking, supplementary products, Complementary Products, and Upgrades to existing products. 


Module 5 Setting up systems -Support, (finding a good system to use, what to look for, our favorites and the positives and negatives to them).


Module 6 The Irresistible Offer” Creating & Positioning Your Signature Product -  Learn how to become the next hard hitting Info-preneur and easily dominate any red hot niche just by creating and selling information. Understand what makes a TOP quality Info Product and how YOU can achieve those elements in a zap!. Know how to “Make them an offer they can’t refuse” Know how proper relationships with your list will help you create the products they crave.

Interviewing the Guru “Transfer of Power & Credibility”-  You need credibility and you need to establish yourself as the expert in your chosen Niche If you want people to believe and trust in you enough to buy from you. This one method allowed me to create a product in 3 weeks, generate over $100,000 in 30 days and build a list of over 10,000 subscribers and helped me become the expert in a Niche I knew nothing about.


Module 7 Lucrative List Building "From Scratch to Millions" - Step-by-Step instructions explaining exactly what you need to do to START, BUILD and MANAGE your own opt-in mailing list. This e-mail course takes you by the hand and guides you thru the very basics of list building then unto some Advanced Business Models you can follow to build your list.


Module 8 Traffic Secrets Revealed “Your Internet Traffic Jam” - You have built your website and waited for people to see your website, but your main problem is getting customers in the door. The very first step to making a sale is to let your customers know that you exist and letting them know where they can find you. Once you know how, where, when and why you should do things…You will begin to see amazing results


Module 9

Email Relationship Mastery “Emails That Get Results” -You get the emails every day from marketers selling you on programs... there's a method to the madness and a way to write that will get your emails opened and get you more sales with every email. Know how to properly start using Email to Reach Your Target Audience and build and manage strong customer relationships with your list of subscribers. Understand how to, and actually write your first follow-up "Autoresponder Message" so that you can send out to your list on autopilot. Start sending email to your entire list at the same time with the click of a mouse. You will walk away knowing why 2-way communication is a must with your list.


Module 10 Joint Ventures “Nothing More Than A Win-Win” -JV’s (Joint Ventures) are always a source of discussion…The JV Partner is the secrets to generating thousands of the most qualified "cash-in-hand" prospects. Find out what they want from you, how to contact them, and how persistence will pay off.


Module 11 Psychology in marketing and the launch process -You'll find out methods to pulling in more sales and getting prospects to say YES to you when it comes to pulling out their wallet and handing you money! Discover how to get your JV’s fighting to get out a promotion for you and driving massive traffic to your sites during the launch process. Find out what drives people to got to have when reading your sales pages… It is all in the psychology and getting inside the mind of the customer.


Module 12 Affiliate Marketing Survival “Beating the Beast” -Your stop here will give you all the information you need to start making money online and give you the info you need to become a successful affiliate. Find out how those affiliate marketing experts are making millions of dollars online every year. When you know why they are highly successful, you can begin to replicate their success. Find out how you can get access to thousands of affiliate programs in your niche, and so much more.


The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Homework Assignments

Each module you just read about above comes with a ready made homework assignment that will help you realize just how much you have learned.

We spend our life learning in a way that has been a proven learning system passed down for many years.

It only makes sense to continue that proven learning tradition with The The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing.


I Am Not Going To Lie & Fill You With Hype.

I have been looking for someone just like you that is serious enough to dedicate a few hours a week to possibly start earning $3k - $5k per month online, and by continuing on with me for just a few more minutes I am going to show you this is possible for You!

I wish I could say that $3K-$5K  a month was going to be the typical result for all my students.  They are not typical results, It is what is possible with the right systemthe right methods of learning, the right mentoring, and you working hard to make it happen!

I usually do not like using words like, "Working Hard" because most people do not like to be told they will have to work for something that they have been told over and over with a load of hype that making money online is super easy.

I am not going to lie to you and fill you with that same hype.  This is your business you are building and your financial freedom at stake here, and it is going to take work to make it all happen, just as it took work for me to build my business and to experience the life I have now!

Let me ask you a couple questions really quick before we get right down to the nitty gritty.

1) Are you a complete beginner?

Then The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing is the quickest way for you to start a successful online business. It will give you the game plan to make money quickly. And, it will allow you to build the right foundation for a successful business for years to come.

2) Have you tried, but never seem to be able to get an online business off the ground?

I know exactly how you feel. Believe me when I tell you, it’s not your fault. What most people teach as the next most  amazing “turn-key” online business, is nine times out of ten, nothing more than a piece of the puzzle; not the whole picture.

This is going to be a refreshing change. That’s because The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing will give you a paint-by-numbers blueprint to follow. Step by step to quickly building your online business.

I am so excited for you right now!

You are about to take action and grab a hold of the same step by step formula for incredible success that my Partners and I and our students have been using to get “REAL RESULTS!”

This Amazing, Amazing, Amazing potent step by step formula is your shot at breakout success.

Let's Just Recap Everything You're Getting With
The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Home Study Course:

12 Module The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Home Study Course

12 The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Homework Assignments To Keep You On track

6 Week Unparalleled Guarantee To Remove All Risk From You!

I focus on YOUR RESULTS.

Let's Bottom Line This Opportunity, Available Only To 30 Smart Marketers...

So... how much for all of this?

Listen, I'm not wanting to put this in the hands of every Tom, Dick, and marketer online. I'm only allowing it to go to 30 smart marketers that know value when they see it, and that are ready to take some serious action and start building a business that will help you reach financial freedom once and for all.

To say that this course is worth at least $997 is an understatement.

But... I'm not asking you to pay a thousand dollars for your chance at financial freedom... Heck, I'm not even going to ask  for $500!

For the first 30 (and these should go quickly) this entire package is yours today for just $197... $127... $97... no -- this is all yours for the low one time investment of only $27!

Plus I'll step outside the norm of most products you find, and I'll even make the risk here all mine with my...

Be one of just 30 to secure your copy of The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Home Study Course. I think you'll quickly see why this is just so exciting and gives you license to print cash on demand.

But... if for ANY reason within 60 days you decide you're not completely satisfied, then simply drop me an email and let me know and I will issue a prompt and courteous refund in full.

I call this guarantee unparalleled for one simple reason...

9 out of10 times you won't see ANY guarantee on a product for more than 30-45 days. But not here. I'm so confident that The Ultimate Guide To Doubling Your Sales With Internet Marketing Home Study Course will make you a profit, that I'll eliminate any bit of risk for you.

If for ANY reason within 60 days you decide this is NOT for you... well then... just drop me an email and I'll issue you a no questions asked refund in full.

.Once 30 Of These Are Scooped Up This Offer Will Be Pulled From The Shelves For Good!

I think by now we'll both agree that the guys that really make the money online are the cats that know, understand, and are taking action and following a proven step by step blueprint.

The Easy Sales Blueprint is that proven step-by-step blueprint they are following.

I know you’re ready to experience the kind of Power, Wealth and Freedom that less than 3% of the people in this world ever experience aren’t you?

Then don’t be part of the 97% that say no to great opportunities!

All you have to do is seize it before it's gone by clicking the order button below now:

Best of success,

John Day

P.S. This package, possibly the best and most complete home study course package in existence, is ONLY available to the first 30 that snatch it up. This baby has real value and I refuse to diminish that. I expect that this will sell out VERY quickly, so don't hesitate to secure your spot today!

PPS:  Remember I totally have removed any risk from your part at all with my unparalleled Guarantee.  I would be surprised if you wanted your money back after you see everything that is included firsthand -- but hey, if for ANY reason within 60 days you decide that this is not for you, just drop me a line and I'll promptly and courteously refund you in full.

P.P.P.S. Click here to be one of the lucky 30 to get this!



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