Attention: If your market is saturated with eBooks, and you're fresh out of ideas for attracting more customers, then you need to learn...

"How to Start, Market and Profit from your Own Product Review Website!" 

From: Kristy Rosado

Dear Friend,

If you've already tried writing product reviews (and haven't had a single bite), there may be a simple reason. One that has nothing to do with:

  • How much you hate to write reviews
  • How much time it takes
  • How difficult you find it
  • How inexperienced you are

Nor does it have (much) to do with raging competition. At least, not in the way you might think.

The simple fact is...

If you know affiliate marketing is the best solution to making money online for you, you simply can't afford to ignore the Product Review process.

In spite of fears, inclination or past experience, it's still the best way to earn healthy commissions...

But before you get too depressed at that thought, let me share that the online product review process has just grown a lot easier (and more profitable!)

And of course there are lots of new, hidden tips and tricks you can employ that will transform the process for you.

But first, you need to not only understand yourself and your own motivations, but...

Exactly How Internet Buying Culture
Has Changed, Post-2018

The simple truth is... until you understand these changes (and why they happened), you don't stand a chance of capturing your best-converting subscriber. (Your competition will be way too strong!)

Knowing what's changed means the difference between feast or famine, when it comes to the mindset of today's online shoppers.

Setting up a successful Product Review website -- one that brings in an income -- nowadays depends on:
  • The four new characteristics of today's online shoppers -- and how to provide what they want
  • One highly specific, core secret ingredient you need to include in every review site -- not only to survive, but to thrive
  • Three things you must commit to being, if you want to become your market's ultimate authority source
You also need to understand...
  • Why your opinion really doesn't matter, when it comes to reviews people read -- and what actually does matter!

You see, all the time you're giving your opinion, you should never be thinking about your own needs, praises and peeves... but about how your opinion is going to help your site visitor choose what's best for her.

It's still really all about your visitor. (That's something that never does change!)

I've been lucky enough to tap into what's working and what's not, when it comes to reviewing products online, these days. And there's plenty to spread around -- my own reviews are not even a drop in the bucket of potential world profits, lucrative as they are!

That's why I decided to prepare a guide for you covering the latest trends on producing reviews (and review websites) that powerfully convert -- as well as giving you vital information you need to know about recent, massive, online marketing shifts and changes...

The Product Review Business Blueprint

This example-filled, fact-based guide quickly shares real information such as:
  • Three questions you MUST always ask yourself, every time you prepare to write a review
  • Five list-building Product Review site basics -- and one little-known tip!
  • Why your reader's emotional type is something you absolutely must identify -- before you write a single word
  • The big clues that readers give you, when it comes to their emotional motivation
  • Seven review rules you MUST follow, to prevent this fatal mistake
  • Five core ingredients for building your list -- include them and it won't feel like work
  • Six easy ways to provide your readers with proof (and save yourself time in the process!)
  • The drop-dead-easy way to make your site provide star ratings for products you write about
It's also filled with screenshots, samples and examples, letting you see beyond the "rules" and into online reality.

You see, nowadays...

Product Review Success is Highly Specific

And "The Product Review Business Blueprint" can provide you with the quickest possible way to instantly learn what to do to create truly successful review sites -- including such small but crucial tips as:

bullet.pngHow to avoid WordPress themes laced with hidden spam

bullet.png Eleven ways to add content to your product review website -- and save yourself work in the process

bullet.png  Five "best practices" factors you can work into your website

bullet.png Two simple tricks that always work, when you have to point out flaws and drawbacks

bullet.png The simple but barely-known secret weapon you can employ, to set your site far above the rest (hardly anyone seems to have discovered this yet!)

This practical guidebook also shares straight, "how to" knowledge such as:

bullet.png The six simple steps to installing the amazingly powerful Amazon Product Review feature to your Amazon Associates account

bullet.png  A basic "barebones" review template -- one you can adapt to any review site style

bullet.png Ten "boring" headline formulas -- that really work to convert

Your brain will be helped along by timely screenshots -- such as the example of how one site went "above and beyond", to corner the market on new subscribers in their niche. (This is a perfect example of the sort of "out of the box" thinking you need to do -- and how to make it second nature.)

We'll also touch on:

bullet.png Why old-style review sites no longer work -- and a look at the new sites that do

bullet.png  Hidden emotional reasons why you don't want to review products

Which brings us to...

The Real Reason You've Been Putting Off Starting Your Product Review Site...

It might be you feel uncomfortable about pushing your "opinion" on people. Sorry, but that's skewed thinking. You're doing yourself a disservice by feeling your opinion is somehow an imposition.

When in fact, a properly-presented review always:

  • Saves its visitors valuable time
  • Does the research for them
  • Shares gut-level, real-time reaction to the product
  • Points out its hidden benefits -- and flaws
  • Gives them all the vital information they need to decide for themselves whether or not to "pass" on this product -- or buy

(You'll be relieved to know honesty is still the best policy -- especially when building trust with your readers or viewers!)

In short, you're doing them the biggest favor -- because you're providing them with exactly what they're seeking.

And that is real information they can count on!

Another factor you need to consider, before you discard the Product Review process...

You Are Not Locked into One Review Format

There are more ways of reviewing than fish in the sea! (Well, okay; not quite that many... but you may be surprised at all the variations on review sites you can try out!)

If the "old" Review Site format or style doesn't work for you, read "The Product Review Business Blueprint" to find other effective new ones that do.

And if you hate creating content (to the point where you either procrastinate, or feel that every minute is pure torture) this guidebook will also share eleven different ways to incorporate content that converts -- without forcing you to write a word.

Oh yes. And it also comes with...

"30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!"


I'm so sure you'll find "The Product Review Business Blueprint" exactly the easy-read resource you've been needing that I'm offering a 30 day, 100% money-back guarantee. (And it's "no questions asked!"

If you're not completely happy with what you've learned, just email within 30 days of purchase and I'll refund your entire investment.

All you need to do is just give the information you learn a fair try and see if you notice results.

You'll be helping yourself to everything I know about running successful review sites in the fast-paced, post-2018 online shopping culture... and saving yourself months of trial-and-error, in the process!

The risk is entirely mine. I'm counting on you being so pleased with my guidebook that you decide to keep it -- and put it into use to make you money and build your list of valuable, qualified subscribers.

One advantage to "The Product Review Business Blueprint" that I nearly forgot to mention -- not only does my guidebook show you exactly what you need, it cuts out everything you don't need to know, saving you time (and reducing confusion).

(There's nothing worse than wading through piles of extra information -- then losing track of exactly what you need to success.

But it's not just a simple "how to" either -- it helps you understand the mindset: Not just of your visitors (people who want to buy) but of this ever-changing entity called the World Wide Web.

So how about it? Are you ready to create an easy, powerful Review site -- today?

YES! Count me in!

I understand that by downloading "The Product Review Business Blueprint", I'll be short-cutting myself to setting up a successful review site. I'll also learn vital information I need to know in order to delight site visitors -- including:

  • What's current, post-2018 -- and why it's crucial to know this
  • Who you should target -- and when you shouldn't
  • How to create a review site that fits your personality, values and lifestyle
  • Twelve time-saving ways to generate and provide top-notch content
  • The secrets to easily receiving free product to review
  • An easy "beginner" review template that works well in today's internet climate
  • What's needed to create a review site that's fun for you and your readers
  • How to build trust (and a stellar reputation)

I'll see for myself exactly what type of review "mix" suits me... as well as my best potential visitors -- and buyers!

Ready to get started?

Only $27 for the next 20 customers!

buy now

If you're ready to start making money from doing your visitors a real service, download "The Product Review Business Blueprint" now -- and find your winning formula.

To your success!


Kristy Rosado

P.S. Don't forget: Don't worry -- the new criteria still allows room for your own creativity to kick your review marketing up as many notches as you please. (The guide also shares principles, as well as practical, how-to information.)

And the screenshots will help you grasp these principles more effectively, as you see what we discuss put into real-world practice.

Download "The Product Review Business Blueprint" and if it doesn't work for you, you'll get every cent back straight away. So how about it? Are you ready to simplify your life, make the money you want to make -- and start today?

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