Transform Your Sick, Tired and Injured Body...

"Experience Freedom From Stress, Anxiety and Pain... And Find the Power to Overcome
Destructive Bad Habits!"

Dear Friend,

If you’re finally ready to overcome your chronic health problems… break free from alchohol, tobacco, or illegal drug addictions (without expensive treatment)… lose weight... or simply reduce stress: naturally, without drugs… then you’ve found the right website!
Here’s the story…

You Can Experience Freedom From Stress, Anxiety, and Pain… And Find The Power To Overcome Destructive Bad Habits...

Have you had a problem that was beyond your capacity to fix? Drinking or smoking too much, constant worry and fearful thoughts, or even surprisingly violent or hostile behavior toward others?

You're in good company! Don't feel bad...almost everyone has had this experience at some point or another.

But you don't have to live with "unsolvable problems".

Hypnosis holds the key to overcoming your personal obstacles, even if you have tried other remedies that didn't work.

Learning how to make your unconscious mind work for you instead of against you is one of the best gifts you could ever give yourself, and if you're willing to spend a little time in learning a few hypnosis secrets... can learn how to create the life you always wanted in far less time than you ever imagined!

Good news! By skillfully applying a few simple hypnosis principles, you can find the power to create exactly the life you've always dreamed of... and avoid failing like so many times before.

With some expert help to guide you, you too can learn the secrets to self improvement with hypnosis.

Secrets like…

How almost anyone can experience the life-changing benefits of hypnosis…
Why The Self Hypnosis Success Guide is vastly different from stage hypnosis…
How hypnosis can help you deal with "childhood issues"…
Where to find a competent hypnotherapist...
And many others (such as how others have used hypnosis to eliminate pain in childbirth, help manage the pain and nausea associated with chemotheraphy treatments, and treat ADD/ADHD..)

After complimenting me on my hypnosis techniques, people will often ask me to help them "just this once". I'm always happy to help, but there's only so much time in the day!

So I began compiling all of my hypnosis secrets into one document...and when asked to help a friend with a particular problem, I would give them my private document.

I started getting more and more requests for my secret document… until finally several therapists got wind of my little project!

Every one of them called and begged me to keep my secrets to myself. One even told me...

"If Your Hypnosis Secrets Get Out, I'll Be Out Of A Job!"

You see, professional hypnotherapists know that all too often, proper execution of the technique makes all the difference. It's no wonder that the best therapists guard their hypnosis secrets jealously.

But by then, it was too late.  I ran into a problem I never would have figured I’d be having…
Complete Strangers Would Call Me Up and Practically Beg Me For My Hypnosis Secrets!
You see, when you get results the word gets around and before long I was inundated with requests for my information.

I had people asking me to help them with their hypnosis questions… and there just weren’t enough hours in the day.

Chalk it up to economic woes (and families feeling their budgets pinched and the need to perform at a higher level)… or simply a desire to create a better, more-fulfilling life… whatever the reason, I found it challenging to keep up with everyone who wanted my secrets.

With the time required at work and taking care of my family... well, there just wasn't enough time in my schedule to accomodate everyone who wanted the "hypnosis report"...

But then my wife got another one of her crazy ideas...

My Wife ’s “Fool Idea”

My wife (God bless her) said that I should turn my "hypnosis report" into a full-blown book about how to create your ideal life through hypnosis.

Sometimes, her ideas can turn out to be good ones...

So I went ahead and made an outline of all my best information on hypnosis… and tied up all of the loose ends… telling everything I had learned over ten years.

Everything You Need To Know About The Life-Giving Benefits of Hypnosis!

This is the complete guide that would have cut YEARS off my learning curve if I had read it when I first got started in this business. It’s called The Self Hypnosis Success Guide and here’s just some of what’s inside…

Hypnosis 101: The most common questions about hypnosis, such as "Am I surrendering my free will if I get hypnotized" and "Can I be hypnotized without my consent?" (pages 14-17)
The three most common types of hypnosis and how to decide which is best for you (pages 17-19)
How hypnosis is the key for pain relief even for chronic conditions like Fibromyalgia and Arthritis, without the side-effects of drugs! (pages 20-21)
14 psychological conditions that are commonly treated with hypnosis including addictions, OCD, and eating disorders (page 25)
How hypnosis can help cure common problems such as stopping smoking, weight loss, eating disorders, migrane headaches, anxiety, stress, and depression (pages 26-33)
The ten questions you should always ask a hypnotherapist before becoming their client (pages 33-40)
6 secrets to finding a great hypnotherapist including one source you would never guess on your own! (pages 40-41)
5 mistakes most beginners make with self-hypnosis so you can get up to speed quickly (pages 43-44)
The two basic self-hypnosis techniques that you'll want to try out first. Read pages 45-47 to find out what they are!
4 vital self-hypnosis tips you must follow if you're interested in helping yourself with your newly-gained hypnosis skills (pages 47-48)
Plus much, MUCH MORE!

This just scratches the surface of what's in the book. I give you everything you need to know about using hypnosis for pain relief, stress reduction, and to gain confidence in every area of your life.

I'm sure that right about now, you're wondering...
How Much Does The Book Cost?

The real question is: how much is it worth to finally know everything about hypnosis that you've always wanted to know?

I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.

But why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge I've put into this simple book?
And I boil it all down for you in very simple, easy to understand terms. Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put to work right now.

Order your copy of the book for just:

I'll send you not only the book itself, but also the audio book (which you can listen to on your iPod or other MP3 player, or on your computer...

...or even burn it to CD). And if for some reason it doesn't work for you - I'll send you back your money.

Doesn't $27 seem reasonable?

And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be clear...

You Get The Book PLUS The Audio Book!

When you order your copy of The Self Hypnosis Success Guide today, you get the book in two different formats:

1. Downloadable eBook. You can be reading The Self Hypnosis Success Guide in as little as 2 minutes from right now (even if it's 2am on a Sunday!). My automated system will deliver your copy as a downloadable PDF file (which can be read on any computer). You can read the book on your computer, or you can print it out if you like.

2. Downloadable Audio book. I'll also deliver you the Audio book version in MP3 format. You can listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 device, burn it to a CD, or just listen to it right on your computer. The choice is yours!

Try The Book Risk-Free For 8 Full Weeks!

There's no need to make up your mind right now.

Get your copy of the book.

Read it.

Find out how to apply my hypnosis secrets the way the experts do.

See if you like it-- if it gives you the information you need and if my simple steps work for you (they will).

I don't want you to take any risk at all in ordering this book. So here's what I'm willing to do: you get the book and audio, and put me to the test for EIGHT WEEKS.

If at the end of the 8 weeks you don't feel amazed, dazzled, and delighted with everything you now know about hypnosis...

Simply ask for a refund.

I'll give you 100% of your money back. No hassle. No questions.

"Rock-Solid 8-Week Unconditional Guarantee"

We Have So Much Confidence... "We'll Give You a FULL 60 Day Money Back Guarantee"
Ok, here's the deal - we have nothing to hide - we KNOW our stuff WORKS - heck, we've been using it for years..

Full 60 Day (For Any Reason) Money-Back Guarantee

You'll never even have to give us a REASON - just ask for a refund and it's done.

So you have TWO lines of defenses (in case you feel uncomfortable asking US for a refund - just ask your payment company directly!)

Now this is COMPLETELY RISK-FREE for you.

Why are we doing this? Because we're 100% CONFIDENT that this system will work wonders for you - if we don't deserve your money!

Don't forget - you have up to 2 whole months to decide ... 

For that matter, you get to keep everything (how could I make you "un-download" your book and audio book, even if I wanted to?).

If you were less than honest, you could download your book and easily rip me off. 

But I'm placing my faith in you, I trust you won't do such a thing!

Order Your Own Personal Copy Of The Self Hypnosis Success Guide Right Now!


YES! I want to finally learn everything I want to know about hypnosis... please give me INSTANT ACCESS to my downloadable copy of The Self Hypnosis Success Guide right now...

I understand my order will be processed on a totally secure server, and once it is processed, I will be able to immediately download my eBook (electronic book)... even if it's 2am on a Sunday.

I understand that I have 60 days (8 weeks) to test each and every bit of information in your book in my own kitchen and if I am not 100% thrilled with The Self Hypnosis Success Guide, I can get a full refund.

I understand I also get the audio book version, which means I can listen to a professional recording of the entire book, any time I want, as many times as I want. The recording can be played on my computer, on my iPod, burned to a CD -- any way I want to use it!

The instant my order is approved, I'll download my copy of the book.

What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose...

...and in a very short time you and your family could be enjoying the physical, emotional, and social benefits of hypnosis, right from your own home!

Do it now.


Lawerence McKnight

P.S.   Now's your chance to finally discover everything you want to know about living a healthier, more fulfilling life through hypnosis. This one is a no-brainer thanks to your 8-week guarantee. Do it now...


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