FACT: It is a FACT that Emailing has reached over 4,500,000,000 users worldwide. That's OVER 4.5 billion users on the Internet. With the current pace, Email is KNOWN as the #1 key in marketing your business online. Studies have even shown that each subscriber that you have is equal to $1 to $1.50 per month for your business. Of course, it is important for you to MASTER the key to growing your business by sending emails. This is the reason why you MUST learn how to...
"How to Attract Massive Cash to Your Online Business By Simply Sending A Few Emails in As Little As 37 Minutes"
This new course will provide you with a step-by-step guide from creating your squeeze page, thank you page, instant sales, attracting subscribers and all the way to making massive cash sending a few emails. Best of all, each step will be shown with screenshots. This will give you an easy way to COPY-N-PASTE every technique we show in a matter of seconds. It is that powerful.
Jack Donaldson
Tuesday, 7:05 AM
Dear Entrepreneur,
As you are already aware by now, Email Marketing is the BIGGEST marketing tool you must use to make massive cash online. With over 4.5 Billion users and growing, Email marketing is definitely the key to growing your business online. In fact, it has been used widely by companies such as Groupon, Amazon, Living Social, and much more to grow their businesses to billions of dollars every single month.
Further, studies have even showed that each subscriber that you have is equal to $1 to $1.50 per month for your business. It also means that IF you do NOT send emails to your subscribers, chances are you are losing 90% of the revenue you are supposed to earn in your business. The question is...
"How Do You Make a Lot of Cash Sending Emails to Your Business?"
- You can NOT spam your friends.
- You can NOT just purchase millions of emails on a CD.
- You can NOT ask your friends to subscribe to your mailing list.
- You can NOT force your friends to purchase your products or services.
- You can NOT simply add people .
The truth is... "These tricky techniques do not work".
In fact, if you keep spamming others as a way to get the words out, chances are your domain name provider, hosting services, and auto-responder accounts will be shut down in no time.
The question is... "How do you make a lot of cash with Email Marketing?"
It requires a special knowledge.
It requires you to understand the in-and-out of Email marketing.
It requires you to know which techniques is working and which technique is a waste of time.
Basically, if you were to do it alone, it will take you years of research as well as tens of thousands of dollars before you are able to know the RIGHT way to make a lot of cash sending emails. This allows you to work less, make more, and enjoy massive subscribers your way. This is also the reason why I have decided to introduce...
This comprehensive course contains step-by-step never before seen information, complete with screenshots, to show you exactly how you can harness the power of Email Marketing to boost your revenue in an INSTANT.
In fact, here are some "underground" secrets you will discover once you download your "The Online Newsletter Profit Plan"...
- How to find a profitable market to tap into with Email marketing.
- How to choose highly-converting affiliate products in your niche.
- Key ingredients to create your squeeze page in 7 minutes or less..
- Understand the core and dangerous mistakes business owners make on marketing their products with emails.
- Discover the right way to apply email marketing for your business. -- Regardless whether you are an online and offline entrepreneur, you MUST understand the principle I am about to share with you in great details.
Furthermore, it also contains some HOT strategies like:
- How to "train" your audience to buy your product.
- How to get massive subscribers for your business the easy and cheaper way.
- The easiest and fastest way to get your audience to become your strong followers.
- Tips and techniques to build your reputation among your followers.
- Ways to use Email marketing to "ENGAGE" conversation with your audience. This includes surveying your clients, Q&A, article marketing, irresistible offer strategies, and etc.
- And much, much more. -- It is as important as other benefits we have just shared with you.
Well, that's NOT all. As it is my intention to really help you to build your business to the next level, you are going to receive...
Special FREE BONUSES if you jump on this opportunity TODAY:
Bonus #1: 21 Email Marketing Tricks

This is NOT your typical marketing tricks you have seen on the blog or via article. Instead, this is the system we have been using to BOOST our traffic in a matter of minutes. In fact, here is what you are going to learn:
- Discover the fastest and easiest ways to get massive subscribers for your business.
- How to ask your visitors to subscribe, share, and engage with your business the ETHICAL way.
- Build list of followers and buyers from your blog where they will buy the products and services you recommend to them.
- Tips and Tricks you MUST know to intrigue engagement and viral marketing. -- This is a must-have technique for any business owners to build a strong relationship with your audience from the start.
- How to USE the power of viral marketing tools on building massive subscribers for your business.
- Master the techniques of utilizing the right format on your email marketing. -- Some email format are just going to throw off your audience. Worse, it could KILL your chances to make people purchase your products for sure. Learn the "DO and DON'T" in term of getting traffic to your products and services via email.
- How to ENGAGE with your audience via Email. -- This will seduce your audience to see you as the leader in your industry.
- How to schedule your broadcast the correct way.
- And much, much more. -- It is as important as other benefits we have just shared with you.
Bonus #2: Untold Secrets on Making Cash With Emails

On this course, you are going to learn some "UNTAPPED" secrets marketers use to make a lot of cash selling products and services with email. In addition, we will also provide you key secrets on what you can do to SEDUCE engagement with your audience. This allows you to create a bonded relationship with your subscribers where it will help you to CASH IN from your business ASAP. It is that powerful. :-)
Bonus #3: Dominating Email Marketing Secrets

The MAJORITY of the email marketers are focusing on buy, buy, and buy my products. What they do NOT realize is they are RUINING their chances to grow their businesses with Email Marketing. WHY? Well, when you focus ONLY on asking your subscribers to keep buying your products all the time, not only will you burn your bridges, but you will also REDUCE your email opening rate to almost NON-EXISTENT. How do you change this pattern?
Well, with this e-book, we are going to show you the underground secrets "elite" marketers use, to seduce opening rate, click through rate, as well as purchasing any products you recommend. The COOL part is, your audience will KEEP opening up your email and purchasing your products on a consistent basis. All you need to do is following the steps I will share with you on this e-book. That's all it takes. :-)
Bonus #4: Email Marketing Cheat Sheet + Roadmap
This "Cheat Sheet" contains a step-by-step checklist that you can easily print out and use it to take action with this course. In addition, It will make it easier to focus on all the important elements of the course. This allows you to implement your strategies without having to use your BRAIN. PERIOD. Further, we have even provided you with a complete ROADMAP to build your Email Marketing empire from A-Z. This allows you to make a lot of cash, really FAST from sending emails!
It time to make a decision my friend...
Do you want to continue looking for new ways to get more sales for your business, trying to get more viral free traffic and make bigger profits, OR do you want to download The Online Newsletter Profit Plan and take your business to the next level ASAP?
How much would I charge you for a complete course with the FREE bonus?
A high value comprehensive ecourse like this could easily sell for $47, but today I am going to let you have it for a very special price.
Simply click on the "Add to cart" button, below, and you'll be reading it – quickly – within moments.
Yes! I really want to
discover more about The Online Newsletter Profit Plan and get tips, hints and secrets that
will give me the edge in making massive cash with email marketing.
So please send me my copy of "The Online Newsletter Profit Plan" and the HUGE free bonuses. - so I can start generating more traffic and finally making bigger profits, starting today.
So let’s
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Click on "add to cart" below to get INSTANT ACCESS to The "The Online Newsletter Profit Plan" ecourse, and the BONUSES.

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INSTANT ACCESS, even if it is 3 AM in the morning.
Please be sure to click on "RETURN TO MERCHANT" after ordering to get INSTANT ACCESS and remember to BOOKMARK your download page.
To Your Success,
Jack Donaldson
P.S. Remember, if you order The Online Newsletter Profit Plan TODAY for only $27, you also get the great FREE bonuses I mentioned above.
P.S. As I want you to be completely satisfied with our product, you will also get my iron clad 30 day money back guarantee that makes sure that I take all the risk while you try on this product FREE for 30 days.
Yes! I really want to
discover more about The Online Newsletter Profit Plan and get tips, hints and secrets that
will give me the edge on making a lot of cash by just sending emails.
So please send me my copy of "The Online Newsletter Profit Plan" and the HUGE free bonuses. - so I can start generating more subscribers and finally making bigger profits, starting today.
So let’s
get started – time to hit that download button right now!
Click on "add to cart" below to get INSTANT ACCESS to The "The Online Newsletter Profit Plan" ecourse, and the BONUSES.

Major Credit Cards & PayPal Accepted
INSTANT ACCESS, even if it is 3 AM in the morning.
Please be sure to click on "RETURN TO MERCHANT" after ordering to get INSTANT ACCESS and remember to BOOKMARK your download page.