"Discover the Powerful Business Model that Allows You to Work Once and Get Paid Over and Over and Over Again" 

From: Brian Miller

Dear Friend,

You are working too hard.

Whether you’re a service provider, have an online store, or make money through affiliate marketing, chances are good you spend a great deal of time finding new clients, readers, and customers.

And we all know it takes more effort to gain a customer than it takes to keep one.

That’s why the idea of a membership site – or continuity program – is so appealing. You create the content or product, market it to your list, and get paid month after month. It’s like having an online cash machine that deposits money in your account automatically.

Of course, if it were truly that easy, everyone would be doing it. I’m not going to lie to you – creating a membership site takes some planning and a lot of work. Rest assured, though, this profitable business model is well within your reach, once you know where to begin.

"But Will a Membership Site Work
in My Business?"

Absolutely! I know it seems too good to be true that a single revenue stream can work for each and every business, but I’ve honestly never met a single online business owner who could not benefit from setting up a membership site.

Let’s take a look at some examples:
  • Virtual assistants who sell blocks of time on a recurring schedule (weekly or monthly) are in effect operating a membership site.
  • Graphic designers who provide X number of designs per month, based on the value of the membership.
  • Retail stores who offer discounts and other perks to “premium” members (think Amazon’s Prime).
  • PLR sellers who provide a certain amount of content each month that you’re a member.
  • Niche experts who offer how-to materials protected behind a membership wall.
  • Affiliate marketers who share premium content through a paid newsletter.
  • Coaches who provide a private forum where members can get their questions answered quickly.
You can see that no matter what your primary revenue stream is, there is certainly room for creating additional, recurring income with a membership site.

In fact, inside my new report, you’ll find a handy worksheet designed to help you brainstorm the perfect membership site for your business, regardless of what your current situation is, or what your level of expertise.

Once that’s complete, you’ll be fully prepared to…

Learn the Exact Steps to Creating a
Successful Continuity Program

As with any good online business venture, there are certain steps you must take to ensure success. Simply building the program YOU want and need is seldom the answer – as you’ve no doubt learned along the way!

The truth is, you need to be able to fit the pieces of your continuity program together in just the right way, including:
  • Your topic of choice – this is your most important decision, so don’t rush into anything without carefully weighing all your options
  • Your software selection – this is something you’re going to have to live with for a long time, so do your research!
  • Your model – there are dozens of options here, from super-simple to full-time work – how much time and energy can you commit?
  • Your marketing – in all businesses, getting the word out is the hardest part, and continuity programs are no different.
  • Your content – this is the meat and potatoes of your new business venture, and with all the competition out there, it had better be good. That means planning ahead!
If all of this sounds like an awful lot of work, then you’re right. Continuity programs require a fair bit of work to get off the ground. The good news is, once they’re running, they’re super simple to maintain, and even to grow.

So the real question you should be asking is...

“How Can I Develop My
Own Continuity Program?”

And the answer is, “It’s easy when you have a plan!”

In fact, you’ll find that creating a continuity program is a lot easier when you have a plan to follow, and that’s exactly what my new report is – a step-by-step plan for developing a profitable recurring income stream.

I’ll walk you through everything we just covered, from finding your niche to developing your content, and I’ll do it all in one easy-to-read report. Not only will you gain a greater understanding of continuity programs and how they work, but along the way you’ll discover exactly how you can make this powerful program work in your unique business.

Whether you run a service-based business such as graphic design or ghostwriting, sell physical or digital products online, or make your entire income through affiliate sales, a continuity program can work for you. I’ll show you how.

“Off to a Great Start:
Choosing and Using the Right Tools”

Every business – whether online or off, small or large – requires the right tools to keep it running smoothly. Membership sites are no different, and this is where a lot of would-be site owners throw up their hands in confusion. There are just so many choices to be made, and one wrong decision can mean weeks or even months of delay and lost revenue.

You don’t have that kind of time and money to waste, so I’ve included in this guide the information you need to make an informed decision about some of the most important parts of any membership site, including:
  • A comparison of the most popular membership site scripts to help you choose the right one for your needs. Getting this wrong will cost you time, money, and maybe even your business – so get the facts before making a decision!
  • The 12 features your autoresponder must have – this is not the place to scrimp, your email list is too important!
  • 7 things to look for in an affiliate module – you’ll make more sales if you equip your sales force with the best tools possible, starting with the tracking software you use!

“How Can I Possibly Get All This Done?”

Once you’ve narrowed down the tools you’ll need, it’s time to take a look at getting the work done, and for that you might find you need some help. That’s why I’ve included a whole section on finding the right help when you need it. From installing scripts to creating graphics to writing content, there is someone out there who can help – and it just might be more cost-effective than you think!

I’ll cover the pros and cons of outsourcing, including:
  • 6 areas that can be easily outsourced, and how to decide which ones will work best for you and your business.
  • How to find reliable, affordable help when you need it.
  • 3 reasons outsourcing fails – and how to avoid these pitfalls.
Even though setting up and maintaining a membership site might at first look daunting, after reading this guide you’ll be better able to outsource effectively and cut your work load dramatically!

Absolutely No Risk to You

Of course, I don’t expect you to take my word for it – even though I’m confident this guide will teach you everything you need to know about building and maintaining a valuable business asset. I’m also backing this with my unconditional…

"30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!"


Your purchase of my report comes with comes with my no-risk, 100%, unconditional money-back, 30-day guarantee!

My special report will help you develop a comprehensive & profitable plan for your new membership site.

But if, at any time during the next 30 days, you don't feel it makes good on my promise, or helps you in any way, confidently ask for an instant refund.

Membership sites are one of the most lucrative branches of my online business, and I believe they can work for you, too. I’ve helped my friends and colleagues build and profit from these resources for years, and now I’m sharing those secrets with you.

YES! Count me in!

I want to learn the easy way to earn more money with my own continuity program! I understand that, in addition to everything we've talked about, I'll also be helping myself to strategies such as:

  • Outsourcing – and how I can get more done in less time with this powerful technique
  • How to hire a VA – because even if I do most of the work myself, having a “right-hand” person is critical to my ongoing success
  • 5 tips for naming my new business venture – and how to avoid the common mistakes that will have me regretting my choice!

As well as covering the following segments and sections:

  • An exploration of 7 different types of membership sites
  • Choosing your Payment Model: And the one thing you must keep in mind when making this decision.
  • Forum Pros and Cons: Is a forum right for you?
  • Tools and Resources: A handy comparison of features of various scripts and plugins.
  • Autoresponders and Shopping Carts: Do you really need them?
  • Building Your Sales Army: How to provide the right tools and resources to your affiliates
  • Your Business Plan: Use this handy worksheet to focus on your goals and priorities without getting overwhelmed
  • Keeping Them Coming Back for More: It’s not recurring income if your customer cancels after one month!
  • Getting the Word Out: 7 important marketing questions to consider while you’re planning your membership site
Ready to get started?


Creating recurring revenue with a membership site doesn’t have to be confusing or overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be a lot of work, and it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to set up. The truth is, by following the steps I outline in this new report, you can have your site up and running quickly and will very little fuss.

I said it before and I’ll say it again: You’re working too hard. It’s time to make an investment in your business future by building assets that will pay you again and again and again. It’s time for a membership site.

Grab your copy of this informative, easy-to-read report today, and learn the real power of a membership site in your business.

To your success!


Brian Miller

P.S. Don’t forget – you have my 30-day, unconditional, money-back guarantee, if it's really not for you, so you win either way!

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